Tags will be replied on my next post!
Am in a gooooood mood today,
And i don't wanna bring my mood down by reading
some of the tags that are.. not very nice.
OOOOOOOOMG, sorry guys for the total lack of updates.
Hehehe, i've been so obsessed in reading this few days
that my blog was temporary abandoned. heh.
Needless to say, i'm very excited to blog about what
have been occupying ALL my time this few days.
Even my sleep could wait, i've been sleeping like what,
4 hours aday for the past 4 days? lol.
The other day i read till like 9am in the morning
and i didnt even realise it was morning already!!!
i've been lying in bed, so absorbed in reading the past few days,
(even neglected dearest boyf, but i know he would understand)
I can hardly put the book down to eat
so i didnt really eat much this few days as well.
Ahhhhhh, and i've finally finish reading the twilight saga yesterday!
All four books in 3 days!!

I love Stephanie Meyer just as much as J.K Rowling!!!
I've been telling everyone how crazy in love i am
with the series and some of them was like
"walao, so overrated, yadda yadda"
when they nvr even read the book before!
Humphf! Even smelly jessica said the same thing!
Smack y'all arh, never read before then tell me what overrated crap.
That's like when i felt that everyone was so ridiculous
to love the harry potter series so much and i thought
it must be overrated lah, can't be that good.
And when i actually read the series,
it totally swept me off my feet and i couldn't stop reading!
I totally can't waaaaaait for the movie to be out in dec!
Can't wait can't wait can't wait! *Jumps crazily on bed*
Omg lah, do y'all know who will be acting as Edward Cullen?
In the twilight series, Edward is decirbed by Bella as being
impossibly beautiful, She compares him to the Greek God Adonis.
His skin is like marble, very pale, ice-cold and sparkles in sunlight.
His facial features are described as being perfect, high cheekbones,
strong jawline, straight nose, and beautiful, full lips.
His eyes are described as a liquid, golden topaz.
Dazzling smile and he has a slender but muscular body.
(adapted from twilight wiki)
I didn't realise he starred as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter
until i wiki his name!

He looks so cute nooooooooooooooooow!!!!!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH, i wish it's december now.

Boyf's dad is selling his Elto Saxaphone that he rarely uses
and it's in tip top condition, Selling at S$900.
Please email leon at brahmabull113@hotmail.com
for more infomation.
Will be working with jess dear for an event tomorrow
and i have a group shoot with her the day after!
Hahahhas, i'm gonna see her soooo much this week!
Loves! :D
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